The Launch of OpenAI's GPT Store: What to Expect

OpenAI is launching the GPT Store.

The long-awaited "GPT Store" created by OpenAI is finally going to be launched. This information has been revealed in an e-mail to the GPT Builders User Community. The e-mail said that the GPT Store is being launched to provide the opportunity to buy and sell various chatbots with AI features created using OpenAI's language model. The online store could be launched next week. As a result, members of the AI community will be able to use AI chatbots created by each other in exchange for money.

Last year, OpenAI announced the creation of the GPT Store at its developer conference. Once the GPT Store is launched, ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise customers will be able to create AI chatbots to suit their needs. Not only that, but others will also be able to use them for a fee. As a result, there will be an opportunity to earn money by creating chatbots suitable for various tasks.

OpenAI has already sent emails to various creators working on artificial intelligence (AI) to create chatbots suitable for the GPT Store. However, the company has not provided any information on the standards for chatbots created for the GPT Store or how to make money through them.

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