How Donald Trump Could Return to Power: A Political Analysis.

US President Joe Biden and Republican Party leader Donald Trump.

The former president of the United States, Donald Trump, was impeached twice during his time in office. After losing the 2020 presidential election, he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. In addition, he is facing criminal charges in several cases. Despite all this, Trump still has a chance of returning to the White House.

The United States will hold another presidential election in 2024. Trump has a good chance of being the Republican Party's candidate in that election. The results of various opinion polls conducted at the national level show that he is ahead of others in his party by almost 50 percentage points in the race to win the nomination for president.

In the next election, the current President Joe Biden may again get the nomination from the ruling Democratic Party. If Trump is finally the Republican candidate, he will have to face Biden in the election. In that election, Trump, a billionaire who has created much discussion and debate, can win and take over the administration of the United States for the second time due to four reasons.

Dissatisfied Voters
The White House, led by Joe Biden, says the country's economy is in good shape. When Trump left office, the unemployment rate in the United States was 6.3%. That rate has now fallen to 3.9%. And in June 2022, inflation was 9%. In October, it was 3.2%.

However, a large portion of US citizens, including young voters, are seeing the economy differently. They say that the cost of essential goods and services, including groceries, cars, homes, childcare, and elder care, has increased. However, wages have not increased accordingly. Public opinion polls show that a large portion of voters believe that the US economy is better off in the hands of Republicans than Democrats.

Voters are undecided for many reasons beyond the economy. Trump raises various concerns to voters. According to him, there are many white citizens in the United States. Even so, this country is becoming more diverse and culturally changing day by day with the presence of more people of different races and colors.

Another sentiment is at work among Americans that—owning a home, a respectable salary to keep up with inflation, and studying in college are becoming out of reach for many. These are considered the foundation of American life. In addition, a survey found that American voters are worried about criminal activity. They are also thinking about illegal immigration to the United States through the Mexican border.

Trump is quite skilled at using these fear-mongering issues in a hyped-up way. He incites people to "light a fire" on the one hand, and on the other hand, he extinguishes that "fire" by suggesting solutions. Trump first declares that the country is in chaos. And then he presents himself as a savior.

Many voters do not see any wrong in Trump's actions.
Many people in Trump's own party, the Republican Party, criticize him. Democrats and many media outlets also do not consider him fit for the White House. However, there are millions of voters who are not willing to accept that.

Even many of Trump's supporters believe that the former president is a victim of political persecution. In early 2024, Reuters and the research firm Ipsos conducted a poll of Republican Party supporters. It showed that at least half of those supporters said they would vote for Trump even if he were convicted of a crime.

Biden's fault:
Through massive government investment in housing, clean energy and chip production, Joe Biden took on the United States' employment policy. However, the Biden administration has failed to convince most Americans that this policy has brought change to their lives.

In addition, Biden has involved himself in two wars outside the United States. This involvement of the United States in the war has brought division among Americans. Trump has a reputation for not interfering in foreign affairs. His policy is "America First." Americans who are afraid of the United States becoming more involved in the Ukraine or Israel issue can express solidarity with Trump's "America First" policy.
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