The plane door opened in mid-air.

A part of (a door plug) an Alaska Airlines plane fell apart in mid-air.

The plane door opened in mid-air.

A piece of an airplane that fell from the sky in mid-air in the United States has been found. The relevant investigation officers confirmed the news on Monday.

On Friday, an Alaska Airlines plane departed from Portland, Oregon, for Ontario, California. However, it was forced to make an emergency landing shortly after takeoff. Authorities say that a part of the plane (a door plug) broke off after it reached an altitude of 16,000 feet. There were 177 passengers and crew on board the Boeing 737 Max 9 model plane at the time. However, no one was injured.

The authorities have been searching for the missing part of the Boeing 737 Max 9 aircraft in Portland since the incident. The door plug broke off in mid-air shortly after the aircraft took off from the city. A passenger named Diego Murillo said that a refrigerator-sized hole was created in the wall of the aircraft due to the broken door plug.
The head of the agency responsible for the investigation said today that a teacher named Bob found the missing part of the aircraft in his backyard.

Meanwhile, a Reuters report said that Alaska Airlines pilots had received warning signals three times before flying. The signals were received on December 7, January 3, and January 4. However, it has not been confirmed whether there is any relationship between the warning signals and the door plug falling off.

After the emergency landing of Alaska Airlines' aircraft, the United States' aviation regulator, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), ordered the grounding of the Boeing 737 Max 9 model aircraft. According to a BBC report, the safety system of about 171 aircraft is being checked. These are still grounded. Other aircraft were given permission to fly yesterday, Sunday, as no security-related defects were found.
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