Security Advisory: "These 13 apps could compromise control of your smartphone due to malware."

Malware-infected 13 apps found on Google Play Store.

Technology News

Cybersecurity firm McAfee's researchers have found 13 harmful apps on the Google Play Store. The company claims that downloading these apps will allow harmful malware to enter the smartphone. Later, the malware takes control of the entire smartphone and starts downloading harmful apps without the user's knowledge, as well as clicking on advertisements from various companies.

According to McAfee, a total of 25 apps have been found that can control smartphones, of which 13 apps were on the Google Play Store. Several of these apps have been installed over 100,000 times. **McAfee has alerted Google about these apps, and Google has removed them from the Play Store. However, the apps that are still on users' smartphones are still capable of causing harm. Therefore, However, if you have already downloaded any of these apps, you should uninstall them immediately.

**Here are the names of the harmful apps:**

The 13 harmful apps are: 

•Essential Horoscope for Android, 
•3D Skin Editor for PE Minecraft, 
•Logo Maker Pro, 
•Auto Click Repeater, 
•Count Easy Calorie Calculator,
•Sound Volume Extender,
•Letter Link, Numerology,
•Personal Horoscope and Number Predictions,
•Step Keeper: Easy Pedometer,
•Track Your Sleep,
•Sound Volume Booster,
•Astrological Navigator,
•Daily Horoscope and Tarot
• Universal Calculator.

Also here:- 

•Battery Charging Animation and Battery Wallpaper
•Super Hero Effect
•Dazzle Keyboard
•Volume Booster Louder Sound Equalizer
•Classic Emoji Keyboard
•Now QR Code Scanner
•Emoji One Keyboard
•Charging Animation and Battery Wallpaper Pro
•Battery Charging Animation and Battery Wallpaper Pro

McAfee researchers said that these apps are designed to look like legitimate apps, such as battery charging animations, keyboard themes, and QR code scanners. However, they contain malicious code that can be used to steal personal information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, and location data.

Here are some tips to help you avoid downloading harmful apps from the Play Store:

•Only download apps from trusted developers.
•Read the app reviews before downloading.
•Pay attention to the permissions that the app requests.
•Keep your phone's software up to date.

**By following these tips, you can help protect your smartphone from harmful apps.**
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