In ChatGPT, is user information kept private?

In ChatGPT, is user information kept private?

AI chatgpt News, Technology News

In ChatGPT, is user information kept private?

Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots can be used to answer various questions as well as perform various tasks. That's why many people use chatbots made by various organizations, including ChatGPT. However, there is growing concern around the world about the privacy and security of personal information exchanged in these chatbots, which are popular among technology enthusiasts. In the meantime, various organizations have been accused of using sensitive and confidential information from the internet to train AI chatbots.

Artificial intelligence experts believe that it is not appropriate to share important information of the institution, one's political views and preferences in chatbots like ChatGPT. These information can lead to a crisis in the future.

On this matter, Professor Mike Oldridge of Oxford University said that it is not a wise act to exchange personal information. User information is used to train the AI of ChatGPT. Not only that, new versions of ChatGPT will also be created in the future by reviewing this data. Once your information goes to AI technology, it is almost impossible to get it back.

The UK's artificial intelligence analyst Professor Mike Oldridge has said that users could be in trouble in the future due to personal information exchanged on ChatGPT.

Note that OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, claims that the ability to disable ChatGPT's data retention technology has been implemented. If users disable ChatGPT's chat history feature, their data will not be stored for AI training.
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