**If you ever have the opportunity to be the king of a planet outside of Earth, which planet would you choose? And if you were king, what would you do?
This Man Who Owns the Moon
The person you see on the screen is named Danish Hope. He is 66 years old and lives in San Francisco. Danish Hope has so far sold $12 million worth of land on the moon. Yes! I understand that your forehead has already wrinkled. How did this man become the owner of the moon? But this daring man really did this! Danish Hope found a loophole in the outer space treaty in 1947. The outer space treaty stated that no government or country could own any planet or the moon in the solar system. The treaty also did not mention that an individual or institution could not. So he wrote a letter to the UN claiming ownership of the moon as an individual. He did not receive any kind of reply from the UN. So he assumed that the UN does not have any objection. This basically allows him to be their owner.
Since then, he has divided the moon into multiple plots and sells land by the acre from there. The price of each acre of land ranges from $20 to $500. That's why he opened his own company called "Lunar Embassy" and through it he has started selling land not only on the moon but also on Mars, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and believe it or not 6 million people have already bought land through him. Among them are people like Tom Cruise and George Lucas.
To be honest, even if I were the owner of billions of dollars, I would not buy anything from this con man. Why? The reason is very simple. Before doing all this fraud, he was only a car salesman. He has no idea about real estate or even space. And how much acceptance did that letter get? Which did not receive any answer from the UN. Anyway, this guy made money just right.
Dear viewers, what do you think of this man, extremely clever or extremely fraudulent? Be sure to let us know your opinion by commenting.**