If you fall from the sky without a parachute, how will you survive? Some of our tricks. You Can Save Your Life.
If you fall from the sky without a parachute, how will you survive? Some of our tricks.
You can save your life.
If you fall from the sky without a parachute, how will you survive?
Imagine yourself being 3.5 kilometers, or 12,000 feet, above the Earth. There is no way to return to Earth from here. But as soon as you jump out of the plane and fall down, you will see a unique and beautiful view. You will see how beautiful your world below is. This beautiful sight may remove your fear and all bad thoughts. But what if it happens when you go to pull the cord of your parachute to open it, it stops working. You will feel as if all your nightmares are coming true and you are falling towards the ground at a speed of almost 200 kilometers per hour.
You have a few minutes left before you hit the ground. Can you do anything to save yourself at such a time? Yes, you can! And today we are going to see how you can land safely on the ground without a parachute. Even though it sounds incredible! Let's find out if you can by using some of our tricks.
Every time skydivers jump out of a plane, their lives depend on a parachute. However, there is only a one in 1000 chance that the parachute will not work properly.
But a faulty parachute can never be the cause of your death. Because, according to skydiving experts, the secret of survival depends on how you handle yourself if the parachute fails. First, you have to calm everything down. Because this is the main mantra for survival in such a situation."
For example, you first need to slow down your breathing.( This means that you should take deep, slow breaths. This will help to calm your body and mind.) You even need to slow down your own thinking speed. (This means that you should try to clear your mind and focus on the present moment. Don't think about the past or the future. Just focus on what you need to do right now.) So that you can focus on what needs to be done at that time (This means that you should try to think clearly and rationally. Don't panic or make rash decisions.) And also need to slow down the speed of falling down so that you don't crash into the ground.( This means that you should try to control your body and avoid making sudden movements. If you are falling, try to land on your feet or roll to absorb the impact.)
That is why you have to spread your body in the shape of an X. At the same time, you need to spread your arms and legs, keeping your back and head up, and your chest parallel to the ground.This method will create a resistance to the wind speed and also reduce your falling speed. Even more interesting is that, with this method, you will also get some time to decide exactly where you want to land.
In this case, you might think it would be better to fall into a pond or lake from solid ground. But this idea is completely wrong. Because even though it may seem safe, it is just as dangerous as falling on the ground. Water, like concrete, never compresses, so falling into water will hurt you much like falling on concrete.
In addition, if you fall into cold water and become unconscious underwater, it will be more difficult to save you. So what's the solution now? To get away from the water through the air and find a safe place, you need to use a skydiving technique called tracking.
To control the speed of falling, you need to move your arms and legs in the opposite direction of your body. In addition, the three best landing options are wetlands, snow, or trees. These will reduce your speed and help you land slowly.
For example, if you land on hard ground, your body will hit the ground at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. This will cause your immediate death. However, if you do not see any wetlands, snow, or trees nearby, you should find another place to land, such as the roof of a house or a car.
"In general, these structures are not very strong. Therefore, when you hit them, they will break and absorb some of the energy from your fall. This will reduce the severity of the impact."
Now, let's move on to the final part. Let's say you have finished selecting your landing target spot. Now the question is, how exactly are you going to crash there? The best way to do this is to keep your toes pointing down and land on your feet. Although this sounds very difficult or painful.
But the real thing is that if you land on your feet, your body will have more time to relax. In addition, the long bones of the feet are less likely to break than other parts of the body.
One more important thing is, keep your head down just before you go down. Keep your fingers together behind you, and cover your face with your elbows in front of you to protect your head and neck from injury. The main reason people die from falling from tall buildings or bridges is a severe head injury.
Even if you do everything else correctly, if you hit your head when you land, you will not survive. However, if you follow the above techniques, you may lose consciousness when you land. However, after regaining consciousness, you will have to start the journey home if your hands and feet are not broken.
These techniques are only according to sky driving experts. However, I think, remember the Creator, the Creator can fix everything if He wants. Thank you.