Who invented cut, copy, and paste? You'll be surprised!

 Who invented cut, copy, and paste? You'll be surprised!

Who invented cut, copy, and paste? You'll be surprised!

In the world of modern technology, the use of computers is essential. Personal computer use becomes much easier for ordinary people with the help of the commands ‘cut’, ‘copy’ and ‘paste’. But do you know who invented it? His name is Larry Tesler. He was a legend of the early days of computing. He died in February 2020 at the age of 74.

Larry Tesler began working in Silicon Valley in the early 1960s, at a time when most people were not able to use computers. His invention of the commands "cut", "copy", and "paste" made personal computer use much easier for ordinary people.

Larry Tesler was born in the Bronx, New York, in 1945. He studied at Stanford University in California.

After graduating, he became an expert in user interface design. In other words, he worked to make computer systems easier for users. He has worked at several leading technology companies throughout his long career. He initially worked at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. Steve Jobs hired him from there. He worked at Apple for the next 17 years as the company's chief scientist.

After leaving Apple, he founded an education startup and worked for Yahoo and Amazon for a while. Larry Tesler's most popular invention is probably the cut, copy, and paste commands. As far as it is known, these commands were created following the principle of how people used to cut printed paper and paste it on another piece of paper with glue in the traditional way.

These commands were included in the software of Apple's Lisa computer in 1983. These commands were also included in the Macintosh, which was released the following year.

Source: BBC, The Guardian**
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