16-year-old girl falls victim to virtual 'gang-rape'.

16-year-old girl falls victim to virtual "gang-rape".

16-year-old girl falls victim to virtual "gang-rape".

Any incident of rape is stigmatizing for the society. But for the first time, the case of virtual teenage gang rape has come to the discussion. The incident of gang rape has come to the fore in the online medium Metaverse. The New York Post reported on Wednesday (03 January).

"A 16-year-old girl alleges that she was gang-raped while playing a Metaverse virtual reality game. Her claim is that she has been subjected to such virtual sexual assault. The police and authorities were taken aback upon hearing the accusation. It's believed to be the world's first case of sexual assault within a virtual context. This sensational news was published by the British media outlet dailymail.co.uk."

The teenager played games with a virtual reality or VR headset, and during that time, her digital avatar was gang-raped by several online predators. Although she didn't suffer physical harm, mentally she has been shattered like a victim of assault in real life."

A senior officer related to the case said that this unwarranted injustice has left a deep psychological impact on the victim. This is more serious and long-term than a physical injury. However, it is feared that the trial of the case may be impossible under the existing law. Where sexual assault is defined, as sexual activity through physical touch without consent.

However, a senior British official believes that the case may be easily dismissed as not being real. But today's generation is incredibly immersed in the virtual environment. Here is one such victim of molestation who is going through trauma.

Ian Crichton, one of the top officials of the National Police Chiefs' Council, has led the investigation of various cases of child protection and abuse in the United Kingdom.He said that Metaverse has become a barrier-free platform in addressing online child sexual exploitation.

VR headset a girl, online raped

Crichley stressed the need for continuous evolution of police methods in combating and prosecuting various crimes committed online, and passing relevant laws for trial. He called on technology companies to take stronger measures to protect users.

Metaverse has become a center for various types of online crimes, including sexual offenses and virtual theft.

However, there has been no trial in the United Kingdom so far regarding these allegations and the crime platform Meta is also not opening its mouth.

Experts say that as time goes on, the gap between reality and virtual reality is shrinking. And in this situation, new crimes are being born.

The strange incident was first brought forward by the Daily Mail.

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